Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Egotaxical Pauper

My buddy Gabe recently posted about having an accountant do his taxes this year. Before the massive hordes who monitor this on-line platform of all things sacrosanct, obsequious and sesquipedalian rush to judge him for his betrayal of manhood, let it be known that he currently entertains the most maddeningly insane schedule of anyone I know, so hiring somebody else to do the taxes was actually an exercise in prudence. But it prompted a gigantic spike in my Pride Factor in knowing that I had crunched the numbers, flogged the calculator, and beat the deadline, filing our taxes all by my lonesome and without the aide of a Criminally Provocative Antagonist (CPA).*

HEAR YE, HEAR YE, I did it myself.


By my lonesome.

Oh, and y'know what I also did? I also failed to re-file my W-4 at the beginning of the 2006 calendar year with sufficient withholdings, thus causing us to pay roughly $3,000 extra in taxes. Sigh. My Pride Factor has returned to its appropriate 'Pondscum' setting.

Oh, and he also scored one point higher than I did on the MPRE, so he's more ethical than I am to boot. Yikes, the PF has slipped below 'Pondscum' to an all-time low... 'French.'

* Let it be known I happen to like CPA's, my dad and brother-in-law are both accountants and many people equate the literacy rates of J.D. recipients and CPA's as roughly equivalent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hehehehe.....laughing over here.