Friday, April 06, 2007

[Easter] in Connecticut

There is a reason why Barbara Stanwyck spent "Christmas in Connecticut" rather than Easter. Easter in Connecticut looks like Christmas... except without the snow... or the lights... or the trees... strike that: Easter in Connecticut looks rather dull and grey. Fortunately, time spent visiting family and friends can help remove the dull, grey outlook and make it feel as if we're in Majorca. Seriously.

Ok, no so seriously.

Somewhat like Majorca with a little less sun.

And beach.

And friendly natives. (BTW, Connecticut's Department of Tourism Affairs [the renamed DMV] will be announcing any day now that the state motto is changing to "Connecticut: Not QUITE like Majorca but kinda sorta if you squint in the general direction of Rhode Island...")

At any rate, native Nutmeggers, praying off snow flurries that might impede the Easter Bunny, are accepting the cold and wind with the alacrity of a French boarder guard repelling a German invasion.

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