Monday, January 30, 2006

Update on the Sauers

Hello, Everyone! I thought it was time to post a bit of an update on our post-wedding life.

While I've been working at getting my photography studio off the ground, Pete has been gearing up for another year of school: his last. Next year at this time, he'll be studying like mad for his last finals. We're working at planning in together time and vacation around the two photography trips we'll be making this summer for a couple of weddings.

We've also been reading through a couple of books together, the latest being "The Five Love Languages," and I'm getting to enjoy Pete's Jeeves and Wooster. We're nearly finished moving into the house--we just got some free comfy chairs this weekend (granted, they need a little maintenance, but that's okay. They will be SO cool in our living room!), and most of the wedding clutter has now been stowed. The study is still a work in progress, but it's progressing. It's not like we don't have time...

This last weekend, we went to my parents' new home, which is also still in progress, but much more together than it was when we saw it over Christmas. Mom has a new little mop of a dog she has named Sadie Rose--breaking the J/K pattern for her baby-naming. Lucky dog. She is not potty-trained yet, and the gates are back up. *wry grin* Some things, it seems, never change.

General prayer requests:

My health seems to be taking a slight downward turn since the wedding, and I've a sense it may turn more drastically this time than I would like. I'm looking into a new doctor to see if we can try something different. I would appreciate prayer for strength.

Please pray that Pete and I will grow closer to each other and in the Lord as we try to make the time for his schoolwork and my photography. Marriage so far has been a bumpy experience (we have some fun personality differences), but it is also worthwhile to know that we have been open with each other from the beginning. God is working in both of us in ways I think we cannot fathom. He has given us both the sense that He is giving us comfort that we will be able to share with others someday.

Pray for our job situation. We're seeking God about where He would have us go, or even if He would have us go after Pete's two-year commitment is complete at HSLDA. There's a world of opportunities in front of us at this point, and we're wondering where God will take us.

Wow, it appears we may have some more changes coming... My husband just asked me if I want to put highlights in my hair tonight. Um... Poll, anyone?

Thursday, January 26, 2006

One Little Nice

I suppose this begs the question of whether Emilie actually *ate* anything at all...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Fun Things

Today over lunch, my wonderfully romantic husband (well, he doesn't think he's romantic, but when he puts his mind to it--wow! I nearly cried!) re-worked an old rhyme just for me!

"Something old..."
He supplied me with my leftover tuna.

"Something new..."
He had picked up a warm apple cider.

"Something borrowed... (only you probably won't give them back...)"
He had given me pickles to go with my lunch.

"And something red."
He set a bouquet of bright red tulips near my desk.

So now I have food in my tummy, warmth in my heart, "Sauer" in my puss, and spring in my office.

It was a cool surprise.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

If we weren't random enough...

Check out THIS blonde joke!

Friday, January 13, 2006

Twelfth Night: Custody of "The Platter"

On Monday night, Pete and I hosted our first annual Twelfth Night party. Being newly married, we understand the importance of creating our own family traditions, and since all of our other holidays were booked, we decided to create a Twelfth Night celebration--a few days late.

For more information about this hilarious evening, click here.

Friday, January 06, 2006

A Pandemic of Pangrams

My darling wife gave me my Christmas present yesterday, Schott’s Original Miscellany, a delightful amphigory compiled in a small tome of a mere 160 pages. Amongst its treasured leaves I found the following pangrams:

First, there's the fact that "Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz!"
This leads one to muse over the wisdom of exhibiting one's quartz sphinx's in full view of Jackdaws. The ethics of this may be investigated in a later post.

Second, we get athletic and "Jump by vow of quick, lazy strength in Oxford." I'm sure Cambridge grads everywhere heave a huge sigh of relief upon receipt of this intelligence.

Third, “Sixty zippers were quickly picked from the woven jute bag.”
I can’t think of anything to add…

Fourth, “We promptly judged antique ivory buckles for the next prize.”
This is a pickle. What are the criteria for judging antique ivory buckles? How would you award a prize and what would be awarded? What experience did the judges have and most importantly… how can Pat Robertson spin this to sound like God will strike down people who disagree with him (Rev. Robertson, that is)? Careful, response to this post may single you out for an attack of halitosis.

Fifth, “How piqued gymnasts can level six jumping razorback frogs.”
Evidently, piqued gymnasts can also engage in mass idiocy.

Sixth, we have “Waltz, bad nymph, for quick jigs vex.”
Vexing as it may be, it’s also extremely interesting to watch.

Lastly, of course, our beloved “quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.” The fox, of course represents … something deep and esoteric. I am the dog. Jumping is a metaphor for eating and brown is a blatant advertising attempt by UPS to usurp this post.
My work here is done. Thank you, Ben Schott, for giving us Schott's Original Mischellany