Monday, January 30, 2006

Update on the Sauers

Hello, Everyone! I thought it was time to post a bit of an update on our post-wedding life.

While I've been working at getting my photography studio off the ground, Pete has been gearing up for another year of school: his last. Next year at this time, he'll be studying like mad for his last finals. We're working at planning in together time and vacation around the two photography trips we'll be making this summer for a couple of weddings.

We've also been reading through a couple of books together, the latest being "The Five Love Languages," and I'm getting to enjoy Pete's Jeeves and Wooster. We're nearly finished moving into the house--we just got some free comfy chairs this weekend (granted, they need a little maintenance, but that's okay. They will be SO cool in our living room!), and most of the wedding clutter has now been stowed. The study is still a work in progress, but it's progressing. It's not like we don't have time...

This last weekend, we went to my parents' new home, which is also still in progress, but much more together than it was when we saw it over Christmas. Mom has a new little mop of a dog she has named Sadie Rose--breaking the J/K pattern for her baby-naming. Lucky dog. She is not potty-trained yet, and the gates are back up. *wry grin* Some things, it seems, never change.

General prayer requests:

My health seems to be taking a slight downward turn since the wedding, and I've a sense it may turn more drastically this time than I would like. I'm looking into a new doctor to see if we can try something different. I would appreciate prayer for strength.

Please pray that Pete and I will grow closer to each other and in the Lord as we try to make the time for his schoolwork and my photography. Marriage so far has been a bumpy experience (we have some fun personality differences), but it is also worthwhile to know that we have been open with each other from the beginning. God is working in both of us in ways I think we cannot fathom. He has given us both the sense that He is giving us comfort that we will be able to share with others someday.

Pray for our job situation. We're seeking God about where He would have us go, or even if He would have us go after Pete's two-year commitment is complete at HSLDA. There's a world of opportunities in front of us at this point, and we're wondering where God will take us.

Wow, it appears we may have some more changes coming... My husband just asked me if I want to put highlights in my hair tonight. Um... Poll, anyone?


A Scottish Whisper said...

pink and teal highlights--definitely! :-D

Kelly Sauer said...

WHY do I bother...?

Anonymous said...

No, I was thinkin' more like purple and green highlights...;)

Kate said...

I like your hair the way it is. :-)

Nic Ridley said...

Highlights would be fun - and if you don't like them, you can always dye it back to the old color.

Sarah M. said...

Go for it! If done right they can be subtle enough they grow out without any problems. Yet, though subtle they can be very striking. When it's a dark and dismal winter... or just time for a change highlights can be an easy way to change a look without chopping off the hair.