The Wonderful Hubby (who actually sat for the camera! Thank you, Hubby!)
We hit both families for Christmas. With a little unique wrangling that landed us in the airport on Christmas day, we set up Christmas for my parents at their new home in Forest, Virginia, and brought Pete's mom a happy Christmas surprise in Vernon, Connecticut.
All in all, it was a crazy first married Christmas, but we did enjoy the time we spent with our families. OUR Christmas cards won't be going out until June, however, so please don't be offended that you haven't received anything from us as yet. Those of you who sent us gifts, thank you so much! We really appreciated it!
In other random news, we get a five-day weekend for New Year's. *grin* Anything could happen...
Here's hoping you enjoyed your holidays!
LOL! I love the pics Kel! I like Pete's shirt too. ;)
love and miss you both!
In the interests of full disclosure, the aforementioned Hubby, hereinafter referred to as Tubby Hubby, asserts, avers, swears, and by all other means states that the representation of Tubby Hubby, that of being a seething hunk of virile masculinity, is in fact a likeness perpetrated upon Tubby Hubby by emotional and psychological phobia inflicted by the camera lens. Tubby Hubby is, in fact, a 3' 2" Zairian Water Buffalo keeper, unpretentious in appearance (like a fish) and mild in demeanor (like ketchup-based Sam's Club "salsa"). Furthermore, Tubby Hubby maintains that, while the impression given by said camera lens is that of irresistible god-like beauty, Tubby Hubby does in fact suffer severe anxiety brought on by the lens, including by not limited to gout, halitosis, athlete's foot, hangnails, tonsillitis, and clumsiness. Still and all, the fact that the fabulously gorgeous grapher of photo's who captured this image consents to share a home with him... life ain't all bad. :)
Go to it Pete! Glad to see you keepin' it up. :-P
Joel took off the mustache...
He's sorta right. In pictures, it looks awful.
Oh, whoa...I didn't know I even looked THAT good. =D
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