Our wedding pictures are now out and up at our photographer's website. The password, for anyone who would like to look, is my maiden name, langner. Please note that you can order prints from his website if you are interested!
Also along the lines of wedding reports, I wanted to post our wedding vows and the words to the song that I wrote for Pete.
I vow to love the Lord my God, our Abba, with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength. I vow to live in the truth that you are His, set apart for the work of Christ in you. Because He laid down His life for me, I vow to lay down my life for you. Because He loved me, I will love you. Because He prayed for me, I will pray for you.
I, Peter Alan Sauer, take you, Kelly Anne Langner, to be my wife. In marrying you, I take new responsibilities that I cannot fulfill in my own strength, but by God's grace and power working within me, I give myself to serve and love you in all circumstances. I will allow God to use you as He forms me in the image of Jesus Christ. I will dwell with you with understanding, and give honor to you as to the weaker vessel, remembering that we are heirs together of the grace of life. I will accept your love and respect. I will go where He calls me to go, and I will lead you in gentle love. I will be humble before you and our Lord, confessing my sins and my failures and trusting in His mercy and your love. I will be faithful to you, holding my body, heart, and thoughts only for you. I will be your friend, giving thanks for you and cherishing you as a treasured gift from my Father. I will share with you my heart, my love, my joy, and my hope in Jesus Christ, from this night until I die.
I, Kelly Anne Langner, take you, Peter Alan Sauer, to be my husband. In marrying you, I take new responsibilities that I cannot fulfill in my own strength, but by God's grace and power working within me, I give myself to serve and love you in all circumstances. I will be submissive to you as Sarah obeyed Abraham as I trust in the Lord. I will accept your love and leadership. I will allow God to use you as He forms me in the image of Jesus Christ. I will follow you where He calls you. I will be humble before you and our Lord, confessing my sins and my failures and trusting in His mercy and your love. I will be faithful to you, holding my body, heart, and thoughts only for you. I will be your friend, giving thanks for you and upholding you as a treasured gift from my Father. I will share with you my heart, my love, my joy, and my hope in Jesus Christ, from this night until I die.
Always His
by Kelly Langner and Kirsten Winston
I will share the dawn with you, these first new rays of light.
I will smile and laugh with you on days that aren't so bright.
I want to bring you all the joy I know every day I live
I give my life to you in Him, and we'll be always His.
I will share the moon with you, singing even in the dark.
I will place my hand in yours when the frost has etched its mark.
I want to give you all the love I own every day I live,
I give my life to you in Him, and we'll be always His.
I will hope in Him with you, walk together as His friend.
I'll walk as a stranger too, living for our journey's end.
I want to dream with you of His return every day we live.
I give my life to Him with you, and we'll be always His.
And by God's grace, I give myself to you,
For all my days, I will walk with you.
I'll be your helper, your friend,
With Jesus as my aim and as our end...
I will go with you wherever God may lead
I will walk with you as He provides our needs.
And through the sunrise or the shadows,
When He drives us to our knees.
I will pray with you that we will be always His.
Now that most of the excitement is over (with the exception of a reception-to-happen in Connecticut over Thanksgiving), the time has come to revamp this wedding site into something productive. Therefore, I am moving the wedding paraphernalia and discussions (with the exception of one planned post) from my personal blog to this blog as Pete and I attempt to move past the wedding into the moments and the future God has for us. We thought it would be fun to create a site (okay, *I* thought it would be fun to create a site) for updates about what we're up to so that people can check up on us. We may or may not keep it up--there's still something cool about the personal connection, so if you want us to keep updating, COMMENT. *grin*
Honeymoon stories and pictures to come soon!
Keep updating!!!
Megs ;-D
Oh, oh, I'll read it! So keep posting! *grin*
I never got to tell you guys just how awesome your vows are. Wowzer. 'Course, I shoulda known that you two would actually make the whole thing deeper than typical.
I like this blog format and picture. Looks strangely familiar. ;-)
*chuckle* Let me think where I must have gotten it?
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