Pete and Kelly are having fun setting up house and starting a photography business. Pete is studying for school again, and Kelly is letting him. Kelly has been going to sleep abnormally early, and Pete has been getting up abnormally early. But, we enjoy the time we have together during the days.
Pete just got his topic for his senior seminar paper, and he is quite excited about it. Kelly is a bit clueless about the law of the thing, but wondering what kind of cracks Pete can come up with for "Legal Criteria for Protecting the Right to Life of Incompetent People."
Today, Pete and Kelly drove to Leesburg and South Street Under for lunch, and then drove back by way of a little-known country road. We saw running horses in a pasture beside the country road. It was pretty.
Pete and Kelly are excited because they will soon have Pete's sister Amy and brother-in-law David in Maryland, along with two of our nices and nephlets! We're looking forward to visiting, photographing, gifting, and getting to know them a bit better--provided God doesn't send US out to California when Pete passes the Bar next year. Because he will.
Pete and Kelly are getting ready for a fun secret that happens on a Tuesday. :-D You know we'll post some pictures when it happens!
So here is our update for a sudden spring day.
And here are a couple of new favorite pictures. Enjoy!

"out to California"????
There. That's my two cents worth.
The pics are precious, Kelly!
And I know exactly what you mean about gas heating... :-)
But what happened on Tuesday?
It hasn't happened yet :-P
It's almost time for a "Sudden Summer Update." ;)
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